
Fancy Pigeon

Jacobin pigeons had been called following the Jacobin purchase associated with monks that day through 1100 as well as had been recognized for his or her special hooded routines. Based on the Oxford Book, the actual Jacobins had been Dominican friars so-called following the close by chapel associated with Street Jacques in Paris. (Jacobean refers to the reign of James I).

Based on breeders, the actual Jacobin pigeon originated from the mutation recognized as soon as the actual 1500’s. It went through four major stages of development to reach the bird of today.

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon)

The Jacobin Standard

Long, coming well forward, thick and even at the edge, fitting almost close to the head as possible, forming the hood's portion of the top feather ......... 20 points

Long and smooth, thick from side to side, starting at a point which will make the lower most part distinctly the shortest, then rising solidly and curving out as it rises in an unbroken sweep as high above the head as possible, forming the mane's  share of the top feather and blending into the hood, the top of the mane behind the hood showing a marked backward extension and fullness of outline ........... 15 points

Long, smooth, balancning the mane, high and toppy with pronounced forward extension in front of the hood, matching the outline of upper mane and forming the chain's contribution to the top feather.  Curving downward, the two sides meet in perfect alignment, the lower part tapering in and balancing the whipped-in effect of lower mane.  Even at the bottom, not too far down the breast, but far enough to leave a finished length ....... 20 points  

Strictly slender, stressing sliminess at the shoulders.  Long and shapely, tapering gradually to the tail, with slightly hollowed back.  Neck of good length.  Flights long and carried above the tail.  Legs of medium legth ........ 5 points

Very upright and showy, the bird should be an ever-ready shower and stretcher, thus showing the feather formation to its fullest advantage ....... 15 points

Rich, sound and lustrous, even throughout, with the luster especially briliant on the hood, mane and chain ....... 15 points
  1. Black - An intense, glistening black, showing a green metallic luster free from  purple.  Not showing any trace of red or fading in or under feathers.
  2. Red - a gleaming Ruby Red, with a rich copper sheen free from green.
  3. Yellow - A rich golden yellow color, with a pink luster free from green.
  4. White - To possess a satin-like, silvery appearance.
  5. Blue - Color bright, clear and rich, with broad, well defined black bars and green metallic luster.   
  6. Silver - Color very light, and silvery, with broad well defined bars as black as possible, green metallic luster.
  7. Splash - Half white, half color, in an evenly distributed pattern, conforming to the appropriate color requirements above.  
  8. AOC - All mixed or unlisted colors.
The head white, from a line just below the eye.  Beak, white or flesh color in all colors.  Rose, white in reds and yellow and to be clearly defined and consistent with the profile outline.  Rump and tail, white.  As near 10x10 white flights as possible.  Allowing for exceptions such as whites, bars on Blues and Silvers, etc.  The remainder is to be solid color, including all plumage on the thighs and on the under parts of the body ......... 7 points

Eyes to be pearl or white, with small pupils.  A single bull eye to be penalized one (1) point.  Double bull eyes to be shown AOC class only ........ 3 points 
Since the last writing of our Standard, we, as a fancy, have been successful in the introduction of certain color genes into our beautiful Jacobins.
Contained herein are the beginnings to establish themselves.

     NOTE :  All Clubs do not recognize all Colors.

Almond - Any pigment, T-pattern, almond factor.  Almond is a modifying factor that, when introduced causes various flecks of color to appear on the feathers of the bird.  The base color to strive for is a rich, yellow-brown or almond color.  The flecks vary in size, but should be even in distribution.  There must at least three colors pronounced on the head, neck and wing shields, but if on every feather, so much the better.  The even distribution of the three colors on the bird is called break.  Perfection would be the same amount of break on each feather.  The more break and the better the distribution, the better the color of the Almond.
Brown - An even shade of chocolate or cocoa.  It is about midway between dun and silver , but possesses a chocolate or cocoa tinge not occcurring in either of those two colors.  The deeper and more intense color is preferred.  
Khaki - A vrey light khaki, very pale having a somewhat yellowish tinge.  Should be even throughout.
Mealy - Body and wing color a clear lavander-gray shading to a rich golden cream on the hood chain and mane.  The bars to a be a clear claret-red.
Cream - The body and wing color a soft cream gray shading to a rich golden cream on the hood, chain and mane showing as little flecking as possible.  
Andalusian - Blue pigment- intense or dilute - spread and indigo factor.  The body is an even shade of midnight blue shading.  The wing is a bit lighter with dark blue edging on each feather.  The indigo factor may be applied to any of the standard  colors, but only the black indigo described here is to be known as Andalusian.
Indigo - Any pigment - intense or dilute - any pattern - indigo factor.  It is a pattern and not a color as it has been seen in many variations such as bronze and sulfur.  Indigo are dark chestnut.  Pure Indigo in general considered not as attractive.  The best known  variety of Indigo is Spread Indigo on a black color basis called Andelusian.
Kite - Bronze pigment - intense - T-pattern or dark checkered.  Kites are genetically dark checkered with a trait for a rich bronze which can be seen at the breast, in the wings, shows best on the unfolded wing and in the inner webs of the secondary flight feathers.  The classical Almond is the expression of Almond on Kite base.  The general appearance of the Kite is blackish, but a tinge of bronze is often found throughout the plumage.
Opal - Any pigment - intense or dilute - any pattern.  The opal differs from other standard color classes in wing pattern coloration.  All body wing pattern coloration is to be an off white.

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon)

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon)

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon)

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon)

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon )

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon)

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon)

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon)

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon)

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon)

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon)

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon)

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon )

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon)

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon )

Jacobin (Fancy Pigeon)

Some nice chicks from 2014
Fancy Pigeon

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